Friday, April 29, 2011

mayhem in class

On Thursday
I attended dance class 
after missing three classes in a row.
We had to dance with partners ( for me the first time!) and I was totally lost.
In this case  the girl was doing all the leading with no help from yours truly.
Also embarrassing and feeling stupid too!
But not so much so, after all its a class!

UPDATE    01
Having attended two more classes ,I am feeling a little more confident.
We did the basic steps of jiving- so fast and full of energy. Pure fun & happiness! We also did the waltz (basic) - most romantic and uncomplicated,
just like the truth itself.
UPDATE     0 2
Today was the last but one day for our class. We will then move on to the next level. By now, we have learned the basic steps  of rhumba, samba, cha cha cha, jive, waltz and foxtrot. Grace has never been a part of the exercise ( at least for me) till now. More of awkward movements filled by an occasional good roll. But still,I would say a good  beginning overall.
Now, looking forward to learning new steps ( the more interesting ones!),
improving overall body posture and most importantly the fine art of 'leading' the lady.
All that is required is Practice and confidence and a bit of shamelessness!
I am good at the third one. Will work on the other two. lol! 
UPDATE    03 ( 03/04/2011)
We are now in the middle of level 2. We are allowed to rejoin level 1 for practice. This is a good thing because one hour of dancing seemed a bit less. So, if you continue with level 01 which is just after level 2 class you get a good 2 hours. Plus, one can work on the postures and timings since the steps are already known. This helps.
We have also learned a few new steps of each dance form.( need practice for this though!) 
The class have become good fun overall and I am always looking forward to my Tuesdays and Thursdays  (that's when the class is!)
UPDATE   04 (22/04/2011)
Yesterday, I got stuck in traffic for a full hour at one place just 5 mins. away from where the class is. This may be because of everyday bad city traffic and a numerous turnout of people worshiping Jesus Christ which I saw. I waited with calm patience in my car on the jammed up road as my 7' o clock class slowly went on elsewhere. But not to lose hope, I made it for the Level 01 class at 8' o clock, though a little late!
We are now at the end of Level 02- this one seem to have just 'whisk'ed by. We did learn a number of new steps but have to keep up with the names ( started noting them down lest we forget in a big pile-up much later!). Waltz is turning out to be one of my favorite right now.
On Tuesday, the whole academy is invited to a preview of 'bollywood   waltz', to be performed at some high profile wedding function ( The Royal Wedding dinner reception of Prince William to Catherine Middleton, at Buckingham Palace, London- lol!), This will be followed by our 'Socials' where everyone can dance.This will be interesting- wonder if I can make it ?
Will definitely try to be there though. 
UPDATE  05 (26/04/2011)
The preview and social which we spoke about got canceled so there was class as usual yesterday. Yesterday was the last class for LVL. II, i.e to say Thursday will be the start of LVL. III, wonder who will rejoin and who will not ? 
Yesterday was particularly lackluster day for me in class. 
First, my legs were injured due to 'over running' ( one more activity that  i am doing). 
Secondly, i had gone to do pre evaluation test for LASIK surgery just before my class where they put eye drops and subjected me to a number of test. At the end i was a little disoriented and my vision was unclear due to the drops.
Lastly, I was with, shall I say an ' incompatible' partner for my dance routine in class towards the end. Lesson being learnt - you need a compatible ( read- not irritating!) partner to dance good and nice. Not the type where you want to 'un'waltz all that you have learnt. lol!
Better luck next time!

carried forward from


  1. Well, may the winds of music be with you in this thrilling experience! I'd like to resume my dance courses one day. What fascinates me about dance is the (mis)communication issue: body language,music spoiling your plans, steps against your thoughts, some sweet arguments in the soul&body family. Fascinating. I took up a dance course as a student although it wasn't a traditional one. It smelled like enjoying a fag and travelling your mind throughout different cultures (primitive dance up to jazz, ballet, walt, sirtaki, modern)and, also, adapting your body to understand this bonding.

  2. (mis)communication issue ...har..har....i know what you mean... body...thought...and music not agreeing with each my case the legs moves good but the lead(hand)goes 'uh..oh',perfect steps but out of beat, too much turning makes jack a dizzy boy etc.....but like I said nothing that a little practice won't sort out!

  3. and you'll amaze the world one day :D

  4. thanks Laura...but you are too kind :))
